In RecStaff, you create 7 day schedules and copy them forward for the season or session making changes to the copied weeks as needed.  To access your schedules from your main menu go to:

1.  Manage Schedules

2.  Schedules

A list of your current schedules will appear.

The current schedules list displays the following information:

1.  Type - schedule type 

2.  Description - name of the schedule

3.  Facility -  where the shifts are taken place

4.  Start and End - start date and end date of schedule (in RecStaff you create 7 day schedules)

5.  Shifts - number of shifts on the schedule

6.  Hours - number of shift hours 

7.  Status - what state the schedule is in:

  • new - a blank schedule will stay in the new state until a shift is drawn on it
  • unfinished - a schedule that is being worked on
  • published - a schedule that has been finalized and sent to staff via email and/or text
  • modified - a published schedule that has had changes made to it but hasn't been resent to staff
  • active - the schedule of the week
  • past - schedules that are no longer active show as past schedules and are displayed for 4 weeks
  • completed - once the 4 weeks are up a past schedule's state changes to completed (to see completed schedules click on the Show Completed button at top right of current schedules screen)

Search Function

To search for a particular schedule or schedules click on the magnifying glass on the upper right of the current schedules screen.  The search dialogue box will appear:

Choose from the search options above to narrow down the current schedules list.  Remember to click the Search button to complete the process.

Pro Tip:  If you do not clear the search the settings are 'sticky' meaning each time you access your current schedules you will only see the schedules from your search.  This is also true for Your Current Schedules panel on your dashboard.  Either way you access your current schedules menu or dashboard you will see the same results so make sure to clear your search criteria if you want your full list of schedules.

Actions Column

To make changes to your schedule(s) use the actions column on the right of the current schedules page.  

The options are:

  • pencil icon(green highlight above) - allows you to make changes to the schedule record
    • if the schedule status is new then you can modify any of the fields
    • if the schedule status is in any other state you can only modify the description (name) and template viewing

  • vsb icon (red highlight above) - opens the calendar canvas so you can begin drawing shifts on the visual schedule builder (VSB) 
  • copy icon (purple highlight above) - allows you to copy your schedule to the next week

  • stored icon (yellow highlight above) - allows you to move schedules from current schedule list to stored schedule list


Create Blank Schedule - when you need to make a new schedule that isn't a copy of an existing one.  You would use this option at the beginning of a new season or session.

  • Schedule Type - schedule you will be creating
  • Facility - where shifts will occur
  • Start - beginning day of the week of the schedule
  • End - ending day of the week of the schedule (7 day schedules)
  • Description - name of the schedule
  • Template - schedule that will be used to copy forward for remainder of season or session

Copy Existing Schedulethe copy function allows you to take your first weeks schedule and quickly copy it forward to the next week until you have your season or session schedules completed (this function also appeared under the Actions column. The system will automatically assign your new set of start and end dates based on 7 days and the week before.  You simply need to choose the name of the new schedule.  

Pro Tip:  using PP# WK# as the name of your schedules allows you to match your schedules with your pay period quickly and effortlessly. 

Check for Conflicts - when creating your template or first schedule you were able to use the staff pick lists availability to ensure staff were available, however, when you copy a schedule forward you will need to run the check for conflicts report on your copied schedules to see if:

  • employees are on time off during the shifts they have been assigned
  • employees are not working on other schedules during the shifts they have been assigned

Publish Schedules - you can use the menu to publish a number of schedules at once or you can publish individual schedules within the visual schedule builder (vsb).  

Pro Tip: when publishing a group of schedules at once only send messaging for the first schedule so staff are not inundated with shift notifications.  Let staff know that when they receive their first weeks shift notifications they can find the rest on their dashboard.  The help file above explains how to limit shift notifications to staff.  The most important notifications you want staff to pay attention to are posted shift notifications.

Remove Selected - when you have  schedules that you want to delete from you current schedules page use this option