Manage Employees is where you go to... you guessed it!  It's where you go to manage your employee information:

To access:

1.  Click on Manage Employees

2.  Click on Employees 

An Employee listing page will appear which lists all employees within the organization. 

Actions Column

The actions column (highlighted in green above) allows you to access each employee profile.  

1.  Pencil icon -  indicates you are a manager of the employee and can make changes to the employee profile record.  

2.  Business card icon - indicates this employee is in another department and you only have viewing privileges

3.  9 block icon - allows you to view the time blocks of the employee and modify if you are the employee's manager

4.  Shield icon - allows you to view the employees credentials and modify if you are the employee's manager

5.  Notes icon - allows you to add notes to the employees profile (only viewable by managers)

6.  Key icon - allows you to change the password for the employee (only appears if you are the employee's manager



The menu allows you to:

1.  Add Employee 

2.  Message Selected Staff

3.  Change Status for Selected

4.  Filter Listing

Pro Tip:  Filter your employee listing page on your department to ensure you're only looking at your staff's employee profiles.