As a manager you have various ways to print your daily schedule.  We call the daily schedule a daysheet.  Below is a list of ways to view and print your daysheets.

Note:  Employees can also see the daysheets (daily schedule) for the schedules they are part of.  You can also give permission for other departments to see your daysheets, if so desired.

Within the Visual Schedule Builder (VSB):

1.  The shift tab allows you to print the daily schedule (daysheet) and a grid view of the daysheet.

The first icon beside the day of the week (above) is the daysheet.  Click it to open the daysheet.  Click on pdf icon in the bottom left-hand corner to print.

The second icon beside the day of the week (above) is for the grid view of the daysheet.  Click on the pdf icon at the bottom left to print.

2.  The work tab allows you to print a grid view of the work assignment daysheets. 


Click on the icon beside the day of the week (circle square icon) to open the grid view of the daysheet.  Click on the pdf icon on the bottom left to print.

3.  The hours tab allows you to print the weekly schedule.  Click on the pdf icon on the top right.

The hours tab prints the entire weekly schedule, typically over a number of pages.

From the Managers Dashboard:

1.  On the Your Current Schedules panel you can click on the chevron and choose the schedule to view.  You can use the forward and back arrows to move through the days.

Click on the pdf icon on the bottom left to print.

2.  On the Your Current Schedules panel you'll see a list of all your schedules in their various states (unfinished, published, active).  On a schedule that is Active meaning it is the schedule happening right now, you'll see three icons that allow you to view and print the daysheet. These 3 icons bring up the same daysheets;  standard form daysheet, grid view daysheet and work assignments daysheet as you've seen above. 

3.  On the Employee Shifts panel you can click on any shift to open the shift dialogue.  

Click on the daysheet icon on the bottom left to print.