A typical workflow for updating availability is:

1.  At the beginning of a new session set up new time blocks

2.  Notify staff that they need to fill in their availability and give them a deadline

3.  Let staff know the availability system will be locked once the deadline has been reached

4.  To see if staff have filled in their availability go to the Availability Report 

5.  Under each employees name it will show you if their availability has been updated

How to view the Availability Report

1.  From your dashboard

2.  Select the schedule type and date query.  The date needs to be during the session time frame in order to find the right availability.  For example, if you session runs from January - March, any date within those months will work.  The system will default to the current week.

3.  Underneath the name you will find the updated status, required shifts/week and hours currently scheduled for.