If you need to keep track of when staff take their stat holidays but don't use the PIT module (Payroll Integration and Timesheets) you can do it with the following steps.
A Stat holiday is on Monday and all staff are entitled to it. However, you still need some staff to work Monday and you need to track the hours of all staff to ensure they received the stat.
1. Create a shift on Monday and change the colour to denote a stat and add a label "Stat Holiday"
2. We recommend you use this colour only for your stat holidays so it's easily recognizable on your schedules
3. Add all the staff on this shift that received the holiday this day
4. For those staff who worked Monday but receive the stat later in the week create two shifts, the one they're working on Monday and the later shift with the colour and label "Stat Holiday In lieu of" and add them to each shift
5. To ensure you've given everyone the stat go to the Reports menu and click on Shift Query and add "Stat" to the shift label for a list of all Stat shifts.