A schedule can be in 7 different states. They are:
1. New
2. Unfinished
3. Published
4. Modified
5. Active
6. Past
7. Completed
1. New - A schedule is new when it has just been created. It stays in the new state until a shift is added.
2. Unfinished - Once a shift is added your schedule goes into the unfinished state.
3. Published - When you're happy with your schedule you can hit the Publish button and the schedule state turns to Published. Publishing a schedule means all shift assignments go out to staff via text and/or email.
4. Modified - When a change is made to a published schedule it goes into modified mode and MUST BE republished for staff to be notified of the changes made. Only staff who are affected by the changes are notified.
5. Active - The active schedule is the one in use today.
6. Past - Schedules are considered past once their activdate range is over.
5. Completed - A schedules' state shifts to completed 4 weeks after it has been active. All completed schedules are archived but can be accessed via the Current Schedules listing page.