You can only print one day at a time from the shift tab.
1. Click on the day you want to print by clicking on the date at the top of the column when you hover over the day an underline will appear
2. At the top of the single day view two icons appear beside the date
3. The first icon is the Day Sheet icon
4, When you click on the Day Sheet icon the shifts occurring on the chosen day appear. You can click the backward and forward arrows to change days
5. Click the pdf icon (red arrow above) when you have chosen the day you want to print (see below)
6. The second icon is Today's Shifts Grid View icon
7. The grid view shows the shifts horizontally for the day. You cannot change the day on the grid view but you can use the gear icon above to slice and dice the data
8. You can sort by staff, time and roles and within roles and staff you can choose all or groups or individuals.
9. You can print out any of the different sorts you want by clicking on the pdf icon above
Note: If you hover over each icon the name will appear