The work codes and payroll codes that you can add to a shift are very powerful. You can set codes on a shift and then assign the shift to another employee but the coding will trigger the system to "pin" the shift, flagging it to be reported on later in summary reports (in the case of work codes) or on timesheets and other payroll reports (for payroll coding).
For example, imagine Ethan is working a 4-10 pm shift as a lifeguard but he calls in sick. As a scheduler, you want to find a replacement as soon as possible for Ethan but you also want to record the fact that he called in sick, even after that shift has since been assigned to someone else. You set a work code of "Sick but replaced" on the shift and then post it. When the shift gets picked up and assigned to another employee, the archived version of the shift when Ethan was working it will remain.
Many payroll systems require hours to be assigned special coding to tell the back off system how to handle the hours. If a shift is unworked, you may add a code that tracks the sick time, even though you later reassign the shift to another employee. At payroll time, the system looks for those codes and processes the hours, even if unworked, based on the codes.
But what happens if you make a mistake when coding a shift and the shift is archived after being given to someone else, or deleted entirely? You can't edit a historical shift as they are part of the audit trail. But you can change the coding on the archived shifts and RecStaff keeps a separate audit trail for those "after the fact" coding changes.
In the shift detail view, on the history tab, you will see each shift in the historical audit trail. If there is coding set on a shift in the history, when you move your mouse over the shift you will see an edit pencil icon appear:
Clicking on the pencil icon will open a small edit row where you can adjust the coding:
You can make your edits and then click the green check to save it.
Now when you hover over the shift you will also see an audit icon. When you click on that you will see a list of all changes that have been made to the coding for that shift: