The Payroll Period report is what opens whenever you click into a payroll period. Think of it like a dashboard for a given payroll period; it shows you summaries of information, gives you the status of timesheets and the period itself, and gives you options for moving through your workflow. Click here for an overview of that workflow and click here for a detailed view of the time and attendance workflow.

You access the Payroll Period Report by clicking on the bank card icon next to the period in your Payroll Period Listing. Click here for an overview of that listing.

Here is an example of a Payroll Period Report:

Note that when you open a newly created report it will be blank. Click here for information on how to generate the timesheets for a period. 

Here are the different parts of the report:

At the top of the report is the  Summary section:

It has a PDF icon to export the report in a printable format. It also has the following subsections:

The basic information about the period you are looking at - which group, the year and period number, the dates covered and the total shifts.

Next to that is a summary of the total staff, hours, total pay and any OT and premium pay during the period.

The Breakdown section gives you the total staff, hours and pay by role, and a percentage of the total hours and pay for each role:

The Details section of the report takes all the information from each timesheet and re-formats it into a single table that is easy to read, print and export. 

The data is organized by employee and rows can be broken out into the following data (depending on your settings):

  1. Employee name and ID; can be sorted by first or last name by clicking the Employee header
  2. Employee role and department
  3. GL code that has been assigned to the hours
  4. Payroll grade code
  5. Payroll code - also known as "Hours" code, "Attendance/Absence" code etc
  6. Rate of pay
  7. Rate of pay increment for OT (can be configured to appear as increment or blended in)
  8. Shift differential bonus (per hour)
  9. GL and hour specific codes for the shift diffs

The rest of the columns shows the hours per day for each of the breakouts, the total hours by breakout and for the period, and the total pay by breakout and the period. 

The Status column indicates what stage the timesheet is in the workflow (click here for more information on the different statuses) and finally an Action column with an indicator that lets you open the Detailed View  of the timesheet.

If you are using the Time and Attendance workflow the reports is also colour coded to indicate the verification status of each day of the period. Click here for more information on that workflow and the colour coding

Payroll Period Report Menu

The report has the following menu on the left side:

Lets start from the top:

This is the link to your timesheet listing for this period. It is where you generate the timesheets, refresh them, send them to staff (optional) and so on. Click here for more information on the Timesheet Listing

Out of the box, the RecStaff PIT module will export your payroll data in a summary or detailed format using Excel, CSV or Txt files. You can configure it to export your information into a format that can be uploaded into your payroll system to eliminate having to manually enter the information. Contact Support for more information about this option. 

Note that all timesheets in the period must be signed off by the manager before this option is activated. RecStaff also logs each time the information is exported.

This is usually the final step in the payroll workflow. Like the previous menu option, a period can't be completed until all the timesheet have been signed by a manager. The time, date and user ID of the person completing the period is recorded.

The information in the payroll report can be filtered in many different ways. Once the report has been filtered, the PDF export of the report only contains the filtered data.

The filter options are: