When your organization firsts start using RecStaff each employee is tasked with logging in and completing their registration. 

During the registration process employees are asked to either:

     1.  Set their availability (when they can work) or,

2.  Confirm their availability (don't change the availability settings)

Setting Availability 

1. Login to your RecStaff account

2.  Click My Availability   

3.  Click on each check mark to let your manager know if you can work, can not work or can work but... (see green arrow below)  

The can work but icon allows you to add a comment for this availability period.  When your manager creates a shift during this period this comment will appear beside your name on the staff pick list.  They will use this information to decide on who to best give the shift to.  Adding a time period when you are not available is optional.

4.  Click Save my changes

Confirming Availability

1. Login to your RecStaff account

2.  Click My Availability   

3.  Leave the availability as is (keep check marks) and click Confirm current settings

This lets your manager know when you have logged in and completed the registration process.