The shift listing report allows you to slice and dice shift and hours worked information and export to an excel spreadsheet.
To access the shift listing report:
1. Click on Manage Schedules
2. Click on Shift Listing
When you open the Shift Listing report a the current weeks shifts appear.
Slice and Dice Shifts
To open the search option click on the magnifying glass on the upper right of your screen (highlighted in green above). The screen below will appear.
Search options:
1. Owner: list the shifts for a particular employee
2. Show: drop down box that lets you search on:
- Current Shifts - shifts for this week
- Posted for pick up
- Past Shifts (you can add a date range to this search)
- Everything - default option
3. Schedule Type: choose the schedule you want to view shifts for
4. Role: choose the role you would like to look at
5. From - To: choose date range
6. Show only potential OT shifts - see how many shifts are running into over time
7. Shift Status:* drop down box that lets you search one:
- Show only archived versions of shifts ( removed, superseded)
- Show all versions of shifts, including archived
- Show most recent version of shifts - default option
8. Facility: shifts being worked at a particular facility
9. For posted, show: drop down box that lets you search on:
- Open shifts only - shifts that have been created with placeholders by manager for pick up
- Employee shifts only - no open shifts
- Open and employee - default option
10. Shift ID: if you know the number of the shift
11. Work Code: if you want to see work behaviour by shift
*Shift Status:
For auditing purposes, we capture each version of a shift. In other words, any time a shift is modified in some way we add a new instance of the shift. A shift could go through a number of modifications and to view all versions of a shift you would use the shift listing report.
Hours Worked
You can use the Shift Listing to list the hours worked. If you'd like to view the hours worked during a pay period:
1. Click on the magnifying glass and choose the pay period
2. Click on Search
3. Scroll down to the bottom of the list of shifts during that period and click on Show Totals (highlighted in green below)
4. Scroll down to the bottom again and you will see the totals for the period requested
If you want a more detailed breakdown of hours worked; GL code, work assignment, shift differential ... you would use the Payroll and Timesheet module.