This report lists whether scheduled shifts have been worked or not.  You can pick the date range of shifts you would like to look at, pick a specific person to look at or choose a particular department.  

The list of work codes reported on are:

    1. Worked - this is the default setting which shifts automatically receive if no other code is chosen

    2. Left Early - when a staff member has to leave early this work code would be added 

    3. Started Late - when a staff member has to start their shift late this work code would be added

    4. Called in Sick but Replaced - when someone calls in sick and you post the shift to the shift board to be picked up or               reassign it 

    5. Called in Sick, not Replaced - when someone calls in sick and you don't fill the shift

    6. No Show - when a staff member doesn't show up for their shift

    7. Approved Absence - when a staff member has contacted you and you approve the absence i.e., vacation day


Schedulers will have to manually add these work codes except the default Worked work code which is assigned automatically if no other code is chosen.  

Note:  Make sure to add the work code BEFORE you reassign the shift to someone else. Add the work code to the shift based on who owns it.  Do not add called in sick but replaced after the shift has been reassigned because the work code will be added to the new owner and not the person who had to give up the shift.