RecStaff has a robust set of communication settings available.

Communication Settings:

1.  Urgent Leadtime (hours)

2.  Send notifications on posting of urgent shifts for pickup

3.  Send notification when posted unfilled shifts become urgent

4.  Notify scheduler on urgent posting

5.  Notify staff when shift pickup request is denied

6.  Hold notifications of schedule changes for next publish

7.  Send notifications of schedule changes on publish

8.  Enable shift reminders for staff

9.  Allow employees to edit shift reminder timing

How do I access communication settings:

1.  Based on your system role click on Site Setup or Department Setup 

2.  Based on your system role click on Site Settings or Department Settings

3.  If you are a site admin you can modify ALL settings if you are a dept admin you can modify ONLY your depts settings

4.  Click the question mark icon beside each setting for a detailed explanation of how it works

Note:  To access settings you must be a site or department administrator.  Your Site administrator will have created the default settings for your organization.  Department administrators can override these default settings for their departments.