Steps to Adding Credentials to your RecStaff Account
1. Add Accrediting Bodies
2. Add Credentials to Credentials Master List
3. Add Credentials to Staff
4. Add Credentials to Roles
Once you've added accreditors, credentials to the master list and credentials to staff you need to add credentials to roles. In other words, Lifeguards will need the credentials NL, CPR, etc. Adding the credential to the role allows RecStaff to ensure when you're assigning staff to a shift they have the current credentials necessary to work that shift.
1. System Setup - Employees - Employee Roles
2. Choose the role you want to add credentials to and click on the Shield icon under the Actions Column of that role
3. A Credential dialogue will appear that allows you to click on a drop down box that lists all credentials
4. Choose the credentials you want and click the PLUS sign that will appear in the right most column to add each credential