Employee shifts - Appears on the Managers and Schedulers Dashboard only
The middle panel on the dashboard allows you to view your employees' shift assignments.
You can click on any shift within the panel to view the shift details. The shift details have 3 tabs:
Shift details tab
The shift details tab lists all the details of a shift from the owner to the shift ID number.
At the bottom of this shift, highlighted in yellow, are two icons; the daysheet icon, which appears on all shifts allows you to view everyone who is working today and the unpost icon. The unpost icon indicates that this shift has been posted for pick up. Below is a list of action icons that can appear at the bottom of a shift:
The post icon allows you to post a shift. If this icon is not present then the role you are trying to post is unpostable.
The unpost icon allows you to unpost a shift that has been previously posted. You can unpost shifts that have yet to be picked up, in other words, they're still on the manager's shift board - approvals.
The scissors icon, when displayed on the shifts detail page, means you must split this shift in order for you to post a portion of it. The scissors icon would appear if you had unpostable work assignments on the shift. It would allow you to attempt to post the part of the shift that didn't have unpostable work assignments.
Work assignment tab
The work assignments are the list of the activities that need to be done during this shift and when do to them.
Work assignments can be made unpostable which means an employee cannot give up that portion of the shift. If your manager has enabled the ability to partially split shifts then you would see the scissor icon at the bottom of this page. For more details on how to split up shifts click here.
Shift history tab
The shift history tab is an audit trail that lists where the shift originated and if it has been posted, split or picked up.
The employee shift panel also allows you to view more than just today's shift information by using the chevron below.
From the shift panel you can click on the chevron to view:
Who works today
The default view on the employee shift panel is today's shifts. You can use the option "Who works today" from the chevron in the upper right hand side of the panel to return you to this default setting after using one of the other view options.
Choose date
You can choose the date of the shifts you want to look at by clicking on the "choose date" option from the chevron in the upper right hand side of the panel.
Find Employee
You can search on a particular employee by choosing the "Pick employee" option from the chevron in the upper right hand side of the panel.
Once you've chosen an employee a listing of all their upcoming shifts and their availability will be displayed as shown below.
On the right hand side of each shift above are a number of letters and icons. The letters represent the facility and location of the shift, RSN stands for the facility Riverside North and MP means the location is Main Pool. A shift can have a number of icons attached to it. The icons represent an action that has happened with the shift. The icons that can appear beside a shift are:
The red post icon means this shift has been posted for pick up.
The work assignment icon means this shift has work assignments.
The edit icon means this shift has been modified.
The swap icon means you have picked up this shift from someone else.
The scissors icon means this shift has been split.