RecStaff allows you to post parts of your shifts.

Note:  Your manager has set preferences on your system regarding the posting of partial shifts.  It is up to management to decide whether partial shift posts are permitted.  Please contact your manager, if you are having trouble posting part of your shift.

1.  Click on the shift you want to partially post from your shift calendar on your dashboard.

2.  The shift detail dialogue box will appear

3.  Click on the post icon (see red arrow below)

4.  A confirmation dialogue box appears

5.  Click on the scissors icon (see red arrow below) 

6.  A Post Parts of Shift for Pickup dialogue box will appear

7.  Choose the parts of the shift you want to post.  Your manager has defined the minimum length of a shift.  Both portions of the shift, the part you keep and the part you're giving up must meet this minimum length of shift criteria.

8.  To choose the parts to give up either click on the whole hour or click on each 15 minute sections (see red arrows below)

9.  The sections being posted will appear in red

10.  The system will prompt you if you have not met the required minimum length of a shift and will not allow you to post until you do (see above message in red below shift)

11.  Once you have chosen the amount of the shift you want to give up enter the reason you want to post 

12.  Click the blue Split Then Post button 

Note:  Partial posting of shifts can depend on whether your manager has made the role non-postable or the work assignments attached to the shift.  If the scissors icon does not appear please contact your manager to find out what settings he/she has defined.