When you need to give up a shift you post it to the shift board.
1. From your dashboard click on the shift in your calendar you would like to post
2. A shift dialogue box will appear
3. Click the post icon (see red arrow below)
4. A confirmation dialogue box appears
5. Enter the reason for posting the shift
6. Click the blue Yes, post it button at the bottom
Your My Posted Shifts icon will have incremented by one signifying you've added a posted shift.
Note: This shift then goes to the shift board of each staff member who holds the role the shift is for. When the shift is picked up you will receive notification from RecStaff informing you the shift has been picked up and your My Posted Shifts icon will decrement by one. The shift will also disappear from your shift calendar. If the shift is NOT picked up then you must contact your manager a few days ahead of the shift to let them know you are still looking for a pick up.
You must monitor all your posted shifts to ensure they have been picked up or you are still responsible to work these shifts.